18th Dec 2023
The minimum income needed for a long-term visa increases yet again next month.
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18th Dec 2023- UPDATED Dec 2024
The minimum income needed for a long-term visa increases yet again next month. UPDATED Dec 2024
Next month the minimum working wage in France (SMIC) rises by 1.13%, from €11.52 per hour to €11.65. That takes the monthly figure to €1,767 gross each month, or €1,398 net, after deducting social charges. The previous net minimum was €1,383.
UPDATE Dec 2024 - The mininum working wage increased to €11.88 per hour on 1st Nov, equivalent to €1,801 per month or €1,426 net, after deduction of social charges. It is the net figure that is used for a visa application.
It is the latter figure that is used to determine the income requirement for a long-term visa.
Although this income threshold is per person, in practice many consulates accept a lower figure for a couple. In the UK, the French consulate has accepted ‘around’ €2,000 a month (UPDATE Dec 2024: €2,200 a month), but practice varies around the world. The threshold is higher for those with children.
Nevertheless, with increases to the minimum wage over the past few years, that generous interpretation of the law is coming under threat.
Unfortunately for those seeking a visa, the minimum wage in France is index-linked to inflation, as a result of which it has increased substantially over the past 4 years.
In January 2020 the gross minimum was €1,539, and the new figure of €1,767 means an increase of €228 over that period. That is equivalent to an increase of €2,736 a year since 2020.
The table below shows the successive increases since 2020.
Each year, the minimum wage automatically increases on 1 January, taking into account the weighted price increase for the 20% of households with the lowest incomes.
Uprating also takes place during the year if inflation exceeds 2%.
Some concessions concerning the minimum income requirement are available, which you can read about at Income Test for Visa Toughened.